Salvador Dali was a great representative of surrealism, he even said "I am surrealism"

His best known surrealist works were:

"SUeño causado por el vuelo de una abeja alrededor de una granada un segundo antes de despertar" 

 ("Dream caused by the flight of a bee around a pomegranate one second before waking up")

One thing that characterized Dali were the names of her paintings as they were a bit peculiar, as we see in this basically in the title it tells us the story behind the painting.

To be a little more explicit, this painting occurred to him when he was sleeping and a bee bit him that was the first image that came to his head, then he decided to capture it in oil.

"Cisnes que se reflejan como elefantes"
(swans that are reflected as elephants)

In this painting we realize surrealism since it is expressed in a very specific way by showing the swans on one side and the elephants on the other side, without a doubt a work of art.

"La desintegración de la persistencia de la memoria" 
(The disintegration of the persistence of memory)

As we already know This work is very similar basically the same to the persistence of memory but it has a different meaning which is the self-destruction of the human race and the atomic bomb.

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