It is no secret to anyone that the internet is one of the best tools out there for basically everything from study to entertainment, but the internet not only influences in a good way as it has certain risks that are very difficult to control and more so when we speak of internet use in young people.

Qué es Internet?
Nowadays young people are used to getting everything easy and that is thanks to the internet since from there they can access any type of information but as I mentioned earlier it has its advantages and disadvantages, among the advantages it could be that there is more ease in the Communication such as social networks, but when obtaining this facility, dangerous situations can be generated, for example, attachment to these networks replacing real life or any person can take advantage of any young person to extract information from them and then use it against them.

Personally I think that the internet helps everyday life too much, besides that I can keep up to date with what is happening in the world, but obviously being always attached to it can cause me damage, that's why I manage some time for its use.

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