La persistencia de la memoria (The Persistence of Memory)
The persistence of memory was painted in 1931, during the height of the surrealist movement. Back then, several innovative artists explored the ideas of automatism and self-awareness in their work. This experimental approach to art culminated in a trend toward portraying quirky themes that are reminiscent of dreams and challenge perceptions.

Clocks, like memory, have been softened by the passage of time. They are perfectly plausible clocks that continue to mark the hour, supposedly around six in the afternoon. Dalí said about the painting: "Just as it surprises me that a bank clerk has never eaten a check, I am also amazed that never before me, no other painter could think of painting a soft clock."

La persistencia de la memoria - Salvador Dalí - Historia Arte (HA!)

He also said: «From them I am historically the one who has managed to solve the space-time equation, but all my art translates the quality of the most modern anguish, as an expression of a delirium that goes beyond all the dynamisms of the real. Time cannot be conceived except space ».

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